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Wednesday, October 25, 2006


All the best for the camp tmr yea?

BE the best that we can be:D

everyone jiayou:P

hope nth goes wrong!


8:26 PM


Monday, October 23, 2006

Sec One Induction Camp

Hey 24th,

Important: Sec One Induction is on Thurs and Fri so lets give it our best shot ok? All the best to every single one of and lets do our jobs(whatever committee we may be in). All for one and One for all right? Keep up the spirit guys!

Haha, small reminder to all. Please remember to collect your nametags from me preferably on thurs morning so that there is no rush later in the afternoon. Hmm, don't forget you whistles, waistpouch, cabarina(for holding mug), touchlights for sentry duties and of course, items you want to give to the campers. Then of course the basic stuff like clothes and all that I guess.

Anyways, all the best to one and all. May this camp be a success!


9:11 PM


There will be induction meeting tomorrow at Taman Jurong CC,
9 AM.
We will meet at first level.
Wear home clothes! -.-
Muslims are excused.

Everyone jiayou![:

-huiteng was here

5:47 AM


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Three Months to dear dear 24thSC!

we rock yea^^

jiayou for like, everything!
24hearts, 24keys.

And of course, great lucks to our seniors
taking their O levels.

esp GeokNa! :D

take care:P


10:35 PM


Friday, October 20, 2006

new blogskin

Hey people.
I've changed the previous black nagivation blogskin,
to this scroll down, white simple blogskin.
Sorry for not asking any permission!
But this will be only a temporary blogskin.

Earlier, i posted pictures.
I found it hard to look at if i had to scroll to the right and down and to the right using the previous blogskin.
So, i changed it to this.

However, this is only a TEMPORARY BLOGSKIN!

Those interested, please ask for me for the pictures i posted earlier,
or you can just save them from here.
Originals are with me.

someone please do a new blogskin alright?
Maybe Sally, Shiqi, or Li Ting?
Anyone will do!(:

Thanks Shiqi for her codes!
Got them from her blog.
Yah, temporary blogskin!

Batchmates, please do update!

6:09 AM


Here are pictures that Suhaily uploaded.
They are old photos of Racial Harmony Day and Leaders' Commencement Day!
They weren't uploaded that time because Su's memory card was not working.
Now, finally we have pictures of our whole batch, and GeokNa too!

Leader's Commencement Day!

Seeing these pictures just make me SMILE with no reason.
Its so good to be together.

4:33 AM


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Upcoming events

Hey 24th,

Just here to update you guys on the upcoming events:

Secondary One Induction Camp 2006(I/Cs: Cindy and Haiqal)
23rd Farewell Party (I/C:Jazreel)
Bridging the Gaps (I/Cs:ShiQi, Aarthi, Hui Teng)
Secondary One Orientation 2007 (I/Cs:Li Ting and Shu Yi)
Class Committee Workshop 2007 (I/Cs: Aarthi and Shi Qi)

Various ICs please take note and the most recent upcoming event is of course the Sec One Induction Camp 2006 so all the best to all 24th..especially Cindy and Haiqal. Lets put our best foot forward for 24th's very first camp as instructors! Whoo hoo!!

Be back soon!

9:54 PM


Saturday, October 14, 2006


Finally, the exams are over.
I'm sure everyone feels a little less tense now.
But on tuesday we're getting our results!
Hope we get good grades eh?

There's a meeting on monday if i'm not wrong.

Well I'll stop here.
Please continue updating and keep this blog alive!


7:41 PM


Finally, the exams are over.
I'm sure everyone feels a little less tense now.
But on tuesday we're getting our results!
Hope we get good grades eh?

There's a meeting on monday if i'm not wrong.

Well I'll stop here.
Please continue updating and keep this blog alive!


7:41 PM
